Art Healing through Art Therapy image.


Reasons to Register for our Art Therapy courses image


Why Register for an ART HEALING ACADEMY Arts Therapies course? - Testimonials:

Why register?
Maybe you are unsure if you should pursue a new field like this and all the challenges that come with that. However, we believe that if it is your passion you should do whatever is necessary to make it a reality for you.

To help you with this decision here are a few testimonials from our students:

"The arts counselling course is very condensed, with a vast amount of information and knowledge. It pushes one to do research and learn about an array of techniques as well as theories and methodologies. The course also enables you to take a lot of own initiative and the healing through the process of learning is phenomenal".


"I completed the arts counselling course in 2017 and started my own counselling practice. Since then, I counselled close to 800 people mainly using art as modality. I counsel individuals but also facilitate groups and I enjoy corporate work. The healing effect of art in the counselling process is astounding! The course was very tough, but worth every cent and all the time I spend on it. Not only did it fuel my passion to help people even more, it also enriched my life in so many ways. In 2020 I enrolled for the pastoral counselling course to be able to counsel people spiritually in a creative way. The course meant a great deal for me personally and I'm already seeing how clients benefit from the added spiritual approach". (The latter is a Helios course, go to for more info".)


"Thank you for the update. I would like to thank you for fighting for this field and the hard work that you put into it".


See English below
"Liewe Art Healing academy, Netjiese antwoord en verduideliking... baie dankies, ek waardeer! Julle is baie besig om dinge in julle eie maar ook spesiaal in ons studente se belang uit te sorteer. Ek het groot waardering ook daarvoor. Ek't reeds genoem maar herhaal dit weer... julle kan te enige tyd staatmaak op my lojaliteit. Hierdie studies het reeds geweldig baie vir my as mens en op vele vlakke van my menswees, diepte, beter begrip, deernis en selfgroei gebring. Ongeag wat die toekoms vir AHA inhou, ek gaan onverpoosd en doelgerig voort met my studies en my verhouding met julle.
Sterkte en opregte Jesus-liefde"

"Dear Art Healing Academy, A very good explanation of the current situation - thank you, I appreciate it! You are busy to sort out things to your own benefit but also to that of the students. I have appreciation for it. I already said, but will repeat it again... you can be guaranteed of my support and loyalty forever. These studies already meant a lot to me personally, on many different levels, and brought depth, a better understanding, compassion and self-growth. No matter what the future holds for AHA, I will proceed without stopping and with purpose with my studies and my relationship with you.
Good luck and sincere Jesus-love"



"Baie sterkte! Dis duidelik dat die aanval persoonlik is. Ek bid dat hulle vinnig einde kry.
Be strong! It is clear that the attacks are personal and I pray that it will end soon.



"Dear AHA
I feel the art therapy one of your students did at Huis E... was very valuable and beneficial.
Unfortunately, a lot of our residents are in advanced stages of dementia and can no longer participate in actives such as arts counselling, but for those of them who can, it is a very therapeutic experience.
A..., your student, also has the right personality to do this as she is so kind and loving, and I think they enjoyed it immensely.
Kind regards"

Sr. C...


"As I read your mail my inner fight for justice stood up! Just know that when something that is so good, helpful and thorough that it will be hugely blessed but also attacked along the way. I find it incredibly sad that others try to sully the organisation and Lorette's name to make themselves look good - the naive may fall for the slander but the wise will see through it. Those individuals are clearly jealous and threatened by what AHA offers and stands for. May you all stay the course of your conviction, be encouraged and steadfast to see incredible local and international support and change in the near future.
I pray that as God has moved mightily in South Africa that He will open the right door in Government for AHA. The masses of our country need to be healed. Amen
Best wishes"



"I experience it as not only a simple course where it's just book theory, but is more than that and offers a huge amount of introspection and space to not only look at clients but look at yourself and experience the arts counselling process itself even though it is hard and takes time. I have grown every year since I started with this course not just mentally but emotionally. I have found core issues with myself that I was never able to find or dealt with without this course and now I also understand my clientele better.
Institution comment (Little professors primary school):
"She is a magician, who knew art was so complex and helpful!"


"I am absolutely loving the course so far. I am finding it so interesting and completely mind blowing when working with my clients. I have been working with a private client and two children from the NGO correctional facility BGT - Boys and Girls Town in Tongaat KZN."


"The course content and theoretical and practical work was excellent and challenging. It made me want to do more and more. So, I was extremely happy about what we learnt, what we did, the insights it gave me into myself and how others would experience art counselling. The group classes were wonderful also to get to know other students. A resounding success!"


"I find the course (Arts Counselling, second year) that I am studying very challenging and stimulating. I work incredibly hard, as I do not have the free time of a student attending an institution. The course material is very interesting and I love doing as much in-depth research as possible. I feel proud of every assignment I hand in. In my personal capacity, I am a survivor of severe trauma, and the course gave me the direction and power to help others. As for outside institutions: PEOPLE ARE DESPERATE FOR HELP. They received me with open and 'begging' arms. The children excel with the directive art projects. It would be fantastic to do a degree and qualify as an Art Therapist". Hester


Through doing this course you are also supporting charity work in Africa. Below is just one example of what we do.


Art Therapy Across Cultural and Race Boundaries book cover


photo of Lorette behind the podium speaking on Art Therapy


Photo at the 46th AATA annual conference in Minneapolis, USA on intercultural working in Art Therapy



Photo at the 46th AATA annual conference in Minneapolis, USA on intercultural working in Art Therapy